

submit your aCquittal for a grant or award

Acquittals are due four weeks following the completion of grant or project end date. Please contact the executive officer for further information, or to discuss the requirements for an extension. 

OPTION 1 . via the grant portal

Existing account holders
To login to your account, click the link below to the grant portal and enter your email address and password. From here, you can access existing applications, and reporting forms.

If you have forgotten your password, please click on the ‘Forgot Password?’ link below and an email with a temporary password will be send to the email address the account belongs to. Note, you will need to be able to answer the security questions for this account to reset the password.

OPTION 2 . applications prior to June 2024 only

Complete the online interactive acquittal and submit it directly. Click the acquittal link below, complete all of the fields and then select the submit button. This will send the acquittal to us electronically, no need to email or send the form separately. This is powered through an internet browser.

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